Echo is an Economy of Hours, a social currency that helps you learn new skills and talents.
Give what you can and take what you need, an hour for an hour.
It's a new economy based on fairness, equality and reciprocity.
It's time, well spent.
"Echo is great! It's given me the opportunity to meet with interesting, talented people across London. It's a rewarding and enjoyable way to grow as an individual and a business."
"The value I got from Echo is trusting your community, understanding that there are so many people out there that can help you, and to ask for help. Meeting other local entrepreneurs on similar journeys made a huge difference for me."
"Echo has provided me with a network of like minded people who have become firm friends. It has accelerated my business in a way I could never have done on my own. I absolutely love it!"
"Echo was instrumental in the early stages of our community project. The network has supported us with the know-how and tools to better serve our community."
"Not only have I found new clients, I've also found a community of folk who have such a diverse skill set; you can find someone here for everything from photography to newsletter design. I've already benefited so much!"
Designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to level up your business, project or side hustle, our workshops are led by Echo experts and shaped by the community.
We exist to boost the local economy by giving micro businesses the best opportunity for steady, structured growth and a sustainable future.
A new brand, website and member's platform. It's time.
For this month’s member story, we interviewed Edward Clark, founder of Adventure Stories – an award-winning design practice who think about brands differently.
Our digital skills future-facing series explores the latest emerging digital trends and skills relevant to small business owners, freelancers and start-ups to pivot their businesses using technology, artificial intelligence and the gateway to the metaverse.